Some random thoughts to kick off 2024

Five  random thoughts to kick of 2024.  

Upstream vs Downstream
+ When making New Year's resolutions (or goals), make sure to tackle upstream constraints and not deal with lesser, downstream constraints. 

Let's say you want to read more in 2024. Tackle the (probable) upstream issue and cut your screen time by 80%. This will give you more room to read. If you generally like to read but just don't, it is wise to look upstream and not downstream.

Our downstream problems stem from upstream problems. Namely, we spend time on our devices thinking they will give us the rest, refuge, or satisfaction we instinctively crave. They (phone/computers) will never deliver what we think they will. 

If we would simply cut our screen time down by 75%-85%, and be intentional on how we spend that newly gained time, we would: 
-spend more quality time with spouse, kids, friends

You know, all those things that are on our new year's resolution list. 


Trust & Truth
+ Build trust in your relationships that can withstand truth. I am not sure who originally said this but I think it is so spot on. Being a truth teller is massively important. Do it gently. Do it with empathy. Do it consistently. 

"How do we win trust?" Glad you asked. One of the chapters of my book talks about the three keys to winning trust- connection, clarity, competence. 

-Connection- Build relationships. Get to know your people. People will be all in on someone they know cares about them.

-Clarity- People want to know where you are taking them and how you are going to get there. Vagueness kills trust. People will be all in on someone who knows where they are going and how to get there. 

-Competence- As a leader, you don't have to be the best at everything but, you must be competent and continually growing in your craft. People will be all in on you when you are able to help them achieve their goals and dream.

Build trust so it can withstand the truth!

A Handy Use For Irritations
+ A unique way to find what you really value is to think about what irritates you. Many times, the place where you feel irritation is what you value. 

I get irritated when people are late (for no reason or all the time). I value promptness. 

I also can get irritated when people are extremely self-centered in their conversations. You know, the guy or gal who doesn't look outside themselves to ask another person a question? They talk a lot...about themselves. Having no governor that would alert them to "Maybe I should ask this other person a few questions get to know them instead of talking about myself the whole time?" 

I value good, deep conversations. I value back and forth....and learning about and from each other. 

What irritates you? Find that and find your values.

Great Combo
+ People who have the combination of:
    - Desire to grow and get better
    - An unmistakable comfort in their own skin are unbelievably compelling. 

This is a rare combo. 

I often find a deep desire to get better, evolve and grow but mixed in with that is insecurity (lack of comfort in own skin).

Or I find comfort in their own skin, totally okay with who they are...but stuck. You know, the person who is a jerk but "that's just who I am." That person is a complete turn-off. 

"I'm okay with who I am but also passionate to keep growing to be a great version of myself" is a great combination.

Fear Disguised
+ What we call wisdom is often fear in disguise. We say we are being wise when in reality we are fearful. 

The phrase most often repeated in the Bible is "fear not" or something to that effect. We know intuitively that fear is a thing in all of our lives. 

God knows us well, so 'fear not' being in the Bible a lot is no accident. 

Is there something you are being called to that is causing fear? Are you calling fear wisdom in any area of your life?

Step out in faith in 2024.

CLICK here to order my book The Leadership Greenhouse


One of my weekly disciplines is scouring the internet for articles/tweets I can learn from and/or use with those I work with. Below are two that I hope help encourage and equip you.


Article 2- Jim Collins 10 Suggestions

Podcast: Week off- Next week is Chris Pollard, Duke Baseball.

Three Ways I Can Help:

1 on 1's - A powerful solution to combat the isolation and loneliness that often accompanies leadership. Leading with excellence can be an uphill battle, but you don't have to face it alone. My 1-on-1 coaching is designed to be your trusted thought partner, offering thought-provoking, perspective-enhancing questions that ignite fresh insights and clarity. Together, we will delve into the depths of your leadership role, helping you gain a profound understanding of yourself and your program. Our personalized approach ensures that each session is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Here is a testimony from a 1 on 1 client: "Travis has helped me become a better leader. Travis has helped me organize my thoughts and has given me so much clarity on how to lead on a day to day basis. There is no doubt that he is the biggest asset to my leadership and has reenergized my coaching style." Jeff Duncan, Head Baseball Coach, Kent State

Training Day - During this transformative experience, I will guide you through the essential principles that lay the foundation for an elite environment in your program. Our approach is entirely interactive, ensuring an engaging and dynamic learning journey for all participants.

The Tribe - What are your pain points? What do you need to do to become a better leader? To create a better environment? Join a group of like-minded coaches who get together (via Zoom) every 2nd and 4th Monday to discuss and work through principles and frameworks to help you become a better leader.


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