The question that reveals your unique leadership identity

I am working on a new website. It has been a great exercise for me. 

As I am building my new site, I am faced with the question of clarifying what I do. Yes, I work with leaders. But what do I exactly do...and maybe more important, what do I do that is unique to me? 

We all have a unique skill/talent stack. We often don't think we are unique but we are. We might have a few things in common with other people... but how I stack my skills, talents, and wirings are unique to me as is your stack unique to you. 

Figuring out what exactly you do and how you do it is important. It actually might be the most important exercise you do as a leader. 

I have been fortunate to spend the last several weeks with a group of really high-level leaders. One of the exercises we did was to answer the question "Why do people follow you?" 

These leaders have some commonalities at the surface level but in reality, they are wholly unique. 

Their answers are below:

Person A- Authentic, visionary, clear communicator, sets the tone in the organization, developer of people, passionate.

Person B-Empowers people, consistent and even-keeled, connects and relates to others, consistently connects the vision to each person's why.

Person C- Authentic, great listener and asker of questions (which makes people feel valued and heard), holds people accountable in a way that is supportive, and is steady and consistent. 

A similar question I am asking myself

I am not leading an organization so I am asking "What do I do as a coach to leaders that is unique to me?" 

I am asking this of myself for two reasons. 

  • I need to know what I do well. This helps me to run in my lane as I am working with leaders. 

  • I need to know so I can communicate this to potential clients. 

If I can be clear on who I am and what I do, then that gives people clarity if I am a fit for them. 

Unique ways to do the same thing

I have a buddy, Kyle Stark (Stark Contrast), who also coaches leaders. Although we both work with leaders, we do different things and have different skills/talents/wirings. 


Kyle helps leaders drive great culture. 

Specifically, he does this in three ways:

1. Help leaders be peak performers themselves by gaining clarity on who they are and what leadership/performance principles look like for them

2. Recognizing that cultures are first and foremost about the people, he helps leaders navigate the messiness of people and maximize them - individually and collectively

3. Kyle helps leaders develop and drive great processes - identity, selection, development, and execution -that have clarity, are connected, and consistently applied


I help leaders gain clarity of themselves and those they lead... from the inside out. 

Specifically, I do this in three ways:

1. Self-Awareness: I walk them through a process of self-discovery to figure out their strengths, constraints, their golden shadow, and their true identity. (In turn, the leaders I work with are then able to help those in their organization grow in self-awareness) 

2. Heart level: I delve below the surface to help identify root causes of issues that can lead to greater lasting change.

3. Key Principles: I help them implement several key leadership principles and frameworks that arm them with tools to be a better leader. (I have learned these principles from working with or being around 100's of leaders)

There are some commonalities between myself and Kyle. We both look at the person first. But we are also unique in how we go about that. I can do some of what Kyle does and he can do some of what I do, but by in large, we are unique in what we do and how we do it. 

Knowing this allows us to run in our respective lanes.


To summarize...know who you are and what you uniquely do. Be who you were created to be, do what you were created to do, and how you are gifted and wired to do it. As Kevin Kelly wonderfully articulated..."Your goal is to be able to say on the day before you die that you have fully become yourself."

Questions to ask yourself: 

Q: Why do people follow me? 

Q: What could someone pay me 10 million dollars to stop doing and I wouldn’t do it? (our passions are great insight into our wirings and giftings)

Q: What would you do if the only reward was getting to do more of that thing?

(*These questions came from Jeremy Griffon on the podcast Invest Like the Best)

PS. Put some thought into answering these questions. Don't just come up with canned answers. Try to list as many things as you can. Then, after answering these questions, have someone who knows you well answer them on your behalf. 

*If you are interested in connecting with Kyle Stark, you can reach him at


One of my weekly disciplines is scouring the internet for articles/tweets I can learn from and/or use with those I work with. Below are two that I hope help encourage and equip you.

One of my weekly disciplines is scouring the internet for articles/tweets I can learn from and/or use with those I work with. Below are two that I hope help encourage and equip you.

Article 1- What does hiding the beach ball and being others-centered have to do with one another?

Article 2- Grandma knows best

Podcast: Mitch Canham, Baseball coach at Oregon State University. Taking over for a legend, Keeping OSU on the right track.


Three Ways I Can Help:

1 on 1's - A powerful solution to combat the isolation and loneliness that often accompanies leadership. Leading with excellence can be an uphill battle, but you don't have to face it alone. My 1-on-1 coaching is designed to be your trusted thought partner, offering thought-provoking, perspective-enhancing questions that ignite fresh insights and clarity. Together, we will delve into the depths of your leadership role, helping you gain a profound understanding of yourself and your program. Our personalized approach ensures that each session is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Here is a testimony from a 1 on 1 client: "Travis has helped me become a better leader. Travis has helped me organize my thoughts and has given me so much clarity on how to lead on a day to day basis. There is no doubt that he is the biggest asset to my leadership and has reenergized my coaching style." Jeff Duncan, Head Baseball Coach, Kent State

Training Day - During this transformative experience, I will guide you through the essential principles that lay the foundation for an elite environment in your program. Our approach is entirely interactive, ensuring an engaging and dynamic learning journey for all participants.

The Tribe - What are your pain points? What do you need to do to become a better leader? To create a better environment? Join a group of like-minded coaches who get together (via Zoom) every 2nd and 4th Monday to discuss and work through principles and frameworks to help you become a better leader.


How expanding your tool belt will improve your coaching and leadership
