The power & Danger of Lag TIme!

Short email this week...but before we get there, quick side note:

As I work with leaders, I find more and more our conversations revolve around self-awareness. 

The absence of self-awareness triggers a host of issues, including:

-a lack of confidence
-a blindness to how others perceive you
-self-protective behaviors
...among others.

The foundation of leadership rests on a simple truth: You can't effectively lead others if you can't lead yourself, and you can't lead yourself without a deep understanding of who you truly are.

This is the root of leadership and the root is where the real work is done!

My #1 goal is to help you get precision-like clarity on who you are. This clarifies the heartbeat of your leadership...which in turn makes you a better, more confident leader!!!!

I am going to launch a live, interactive Zoom course helping people get precision-like clarity on who they are and the heartbeat of their leadership. 

QUESTION: Would you have an interest in a course like this?

RESPONSE: If you would be interested reply to this email with "Interested". 

This is not you committing to is just giving me an idea of the interest level. If you are interested today and then tomorrow you're worries.

Details (subject to change.)
-3 sessions
-Each session will be 1.5 hours long
-3 consecutive Sunday nights or weekday early mornings
-Max 30 participants to my email...


All habits have a lag time. 

So for example, when you start to eat right, you will not see a ton of results right away. There will be a lag time. 

If you start to lift weights, there will be a lag time before you start to see your body or strength change. 

It happens in our leadership as well. Start building trust today...the real trust shows up in a month. 

If you start building a network today, reap the benefits in four years. 

Reverse Lag Time

It also works in the reverse. 

Stop eating healthy...and initially you won't notice too much of a difference. You think "Maybe I am an outlier. Maybe I can get away with eating poorly." Then in 6 weeks, you have gained 12 pounds. 

Stop sleeping 7-8 hours a night. You won't see the negative results for several months and in some cases, maybe years. 

Damage trust with those you lead...that lack of trust might not show up for a month or two. 

As humans, our relationship to lag time is a double whammy. 

We start a new habit and we quit before the results kick in. 

We pick up a bad habit and continue it because we are not experiencing the adverse effects of the bad habit.

We either stop before the good habit produces fruit or we keep on going because the poor habit hasn't yet produced rotten fruit.

Reflection Questions

What are you currently doing that is beneficial to you but is causing some mild frustration because you are not seeing results?

Conversely, what are you currently doing that is not beneficial to you but thus far you are not seeing any 'results' that are detrimental to you or your health?

Be aware and take heart that results always lag!

Click here to order my book The Leadership Greenhouse


One of my weekly disciplines is scouring the internet for articles/tweets I can learn from and/or use with those I work with. Below are two that I hope help encourage and equip you.

Article 1- Great article on a coach who knows who he is.

Article 2- One of my favorite all time Twitter threads!

Podcast: Rick Heller, Baseball coach at the University of Iowa. Awesome dude. Great leader!

Three Ways I Can Help:

1 on 1's - A powerful solution to combat the isolation and loneliness that often accompanies leadership. Leading with excellence can be an uphill battle, but you don't have to face it alone. My 1-on-1 coaching is designed to be your trusted thought partner, offering thought-provoking, perspective-enhancing questions that ignite fresh insights and clarity. Together, we will delve into the depths of your leadership role, helping you gain a profound understanding of yourself and your program. Our personalized approach ensures that each session is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Here is a testimony from a 1 on 1 client: "Travis has helped me become a better leader. Travis has helped me organize my thoughts and has given me so much clarity on how to lead on a day to day basis. There is no doubt that he is the biggest asset to my leadership and has reenergized my coaching style." Jeff Duncan, Head Baseball Coach, Kent State

Training Day - During this transformative experience, I will guide you through the essential principles that lay the foundation for an elite environment in your program. Our approach is entirely interactive, ensuring an engaging and dynamic learning journey for all participants.

The Tribe - What are your pain points? What do you need to do to become a better leader? To create a better environment? Join a group of like-minded coaches who get together (via Zoom) every 2nd and 4th Monday to discuss and work through principles and frameworks to help you become a better leader.


Authentic or inauthentic?


The power of addition by subtraction