Coach to Leaders

Helping leaders navigate who they are and how to best lead from their true identity!

Everyone wants results!

Results give us peace of mind, relief, rest, a feeling of job well done, job security, and a feeling that we are now enough.

However, we often fail to get to the root of what keeps us from producing these results.

+ I start with one simple question: What do you, as a leader, in your own unique identity, need to do to produce elite-level results?

+ Then we reverse engineer the process and get to work addressing the root issues.

Eramos Retreats

Want to become a better leader? Slow down, pull away, and create space for God to speak into your life and leadership. To learn more about Eramos Retreats…

Leadership is really hard

  • Leadership is marked by highs and lows, often leading to an emotional roller coaster

  • Amidst both triumphs and setbacks, maintaining a clear perspective can be challenging and it can be difficult to see the bigger picture

  • The weight of responsibility can lead to self-doubt and insecurities

  • These insecurities often lead to wondering/asking “Do I measure up? Do I have what it takes?”

  • Leadership can be an isolating experience, as leaders often bear the burden of tough decisions alone

  • Leaders may feel they have no one to turn to for advice or support, exacerbating the challenges they face in their roles

In order to be at their very best, leaders often need…

  • Someone to help them identify and to remind them of their unique signature strengths so they can lead with confidence

  • Someone to help them reduce their golden shadow - the hidden aspects of their personalities that may impact their leadership

  • Someone to help them gain clarity and a fresh perspective on themselves and their program

  • A trusted support and truth-teller to stand by their side to help navigate challenging times

  • A thought partner acting as their sounding board, exchanging ideas and insights to foster their growth

  • Someone to help them lead authentically, aligning actions with core values and emphasizing key leadership principles

  • Someone to help them uncover, at a heart level, profound insights and solutions to further personal growth and lasting change

Walk away with greater clarity of who you are and how to best lead your people and organization!

  • Elite leaders are hungry to grow and improve. The problem is when you become a head coach, feedback gets more and more rare. Let Travis take you through a 360’ review that will shine a spotlight on your superpowers (strengths) and also identify ways in which you can get better. This is for high-level leaders with a hunger to continue to improve!

  • In the fast paced world of athletics and business, Eremos Retreats offer you a chance to slow down, reconnect to Jesus, engage in self-reflection, and become a better leader.

  • How do you prepare for the leadership aspect of being a head coach? Coaches are trained in how to teach hitters, pitchers, base running, etc but get very little quipping and training on leadership. Change that by joining an assistant coach cohort.

  • Our mission is the help you gain precision like clarity of your strengths, motives, identity, and energy so that you can be the best version of yourself and a truly exceptional leader for your people . We also understand the significance of having a thought partner who can help you regain perspective and delve into the core of your challenges.

  • The Tribe is a vibrant community coaches that gives you access to a wealth of next-level leadership content and engaging discussions among like-minded individuals.

Kingdom Coaching Weekly Email


  • Lane Burroughs-Baseball Coach, Louisiana Tech

    “I can honestly say that the cohort was one of the most valuable things I've ever done for my career. I would recommend to anyone that wants to continue to grow and get better in their chosen profession to consider joining in on the cohort. Travis does an amazing job of leading, listening and encouraging!!”

  • Ian McCaw- AD, Liberty University

    “Travis challenges and equips leaders in vital areas ranging from self-awareness to building trust to building transformational relationships. If you are interested in personal, professional and spiritual growth, Kingdom Coaching and Travis is for you.”

  • Kelly Inouye-Perez

    “I was honored to work with Travis and the head coaching cohort.  I am always looking to grow and learn new ways to be a more effective coach and impactful leader. The coaching cohort did exactly that.”

  • Justin Haire-Baseball Coach, Ohio State

    “If there is an opportunity to be a part of one of these cohorts, no matter what level you are on, or where you are in your career path, it will absolutely be one of the best parts of your year. The ability to get feedback, build a tightknit community, interact, grow, and improve in so many areas of coaching, leadership, and life makes being in these cohorts beyond valuable. Travis has put together what, in my opinion, has turned into a system and environment that is a 'must-have' for coaches across the country.”

  • Jeff Duncan- Baseball Coach, Kent State University

    "Travis has helped me become a better leader. He has helped me organize my thoughts and has given me so much clarity on how to lead on a day-to-day basis. There is no doubt that he is the biggest asset to my leadership and has reenergized my coaching style.

  • Dave Esquer- Baseball Coach, Stanford University

    “What an incredible experience I had in Travis Wyckoff’s coaches cohort!”

  • Tim Corbin- Baseball Coach, Vanderbilt University

    “It is a "class" that I look forward to taking every month and I am motivated further by the energy that is stimulated on that call.”

  • Patrick Murphy- Softball Coach, University of Alabama

    “Travis’ coaching cohort was one of the best things I have done in my 30 years of DI coaching. To be involved with such a great group of people was life-changing. Each monthly call consisted of a subject that was both timely and relevant. Travis was an excellent facilitator and knew exactly what the group needed each month.”

  • Kristi Kiely- Soccer Coach, Point Loma University

    “Travis Wyckoff is gifted at the lost art of asking good questions! This is what separates him and makes the groups he puts together so exceptional. He's present and aware to find moments to throw in encouragement or a challenge when needed. You can expect these things from your time in a cohort: good discussion, brainstorming of ideas, inspiration to grow, and a good amount of introspection. It is worth your time!”

  • Beth Launiere- Volleyball Coach, University of Utah

    “I had the opportunity to be a part of Travis’s cohort this past year and it was one of the most intriguing, thought-provoking, and inspiring things I’ve done in my coaching profession in many years. The camaraderie and vulnerability with other like-minded coaches was refreshing... having been in the “lonely seat” for many years. Hearing other coaches’ thoughts, concerns and creative ideas challenged me to continue to search for new ways to teach and help others learn.”

  • Kevin Hambly- Volleyball Coach, Stanford University

    “My experience with the cohort has been one of the most transformative experiences of my coaching career. Travis did a fantastic job of getting the most out of us through impactful conversations, great questions, and creating a safe space where we could all be vulnerable. There are few places in this day and age where coaches can get out of their silos and learn. Thanks to Travis, we all found a space!”

  • Spencer Allen-Field Coordinator, Milwaukee Brewers

    "I am unbelievably lucky to have the opportunity to work with Travis Wyckoff and Kingdom Coaching. His mentorship and leadership training has been instrumental in my development. The ability to work with Travis, who has played and coached at the highest level, challenges me to be a better leader. I highly recommend for you to get outside of your comfort zone, partner with Travis and invest in yourself."

  • Tim Ward- Soccer Coach, Pepperdine University

    “The opportunity to be a part of Travis’ coaching cohort was truly a highlight. It blessed me in ways he’ll never know! I learned so much and continue to reflect on and use the wonderful “coaching nuggets” that were shared along the way!”

  • Anson Dorrance- Former Soccer Coach, University of North Carolina

    “One of the unfortunate elements of having a long coaching tenure is that tragically you are rarely put in a position where you are the student in the room. The Cohort has helped me continue to grow as a coach and as a human being. So, I would like to take this public opportunity to thank Travis for recruiting us, organizing us and weaponizing us once a month to pour our experiences and sometimes our souls into conversations I would never have otherwise.”

  • Andy Stankiewicz- Baseball Coach, University of Southern California

    “Travis Wyckoff and Kingdom Coaching is the real deal. His coaches’ cohort gave me the opportunity to listen and learn from four of the most successful college coaches in the country. He facilitates a learning environment better than anyone I have been around. He sees coaching as a mission and sincerely desires for coaches to make a difference in the lives of our student-athletes.”

  • Dan Heefner- Baseball Coach, Dallas Baptist University

    “I can't think of a better person to be a coach's coach than Travis. He's played & coached at the highest level, he's easy to talk to, asks great questions & helps me look at coaching with an eternal perspective that is real & practical.”

I am passionate about helping leaders unlock their potential by by helping leaders draw out what is already inside.

Having dedicated years to working with leaders, I have discovered three key areas where I am passionate and where I do my best, most helpful work.

One of my greatest passions is assisting others in recognizing their own strengths and constraints. By guiding individuals through a process of self-discovery, I aim to empower them to leverage their unique qualities to inform them of their leadership fingerprint. It is impossible to lead at an elite level if you don’t know who you are and what you excel in.

I am uniquely gifted to delve below the surface and uncover the root causes of issues. This insight enables me to address problems at their core, leading to more lasting and impactful growth.

Moreover, one of my joys lies in guiding leaders through their roles with principles and frameworks. Elite leaders utilize key leadership principles to guide their programs. I aim to empower leaders with the tools they need to navigate challenges, inspire their teams, and achieve remarkable outcomes.

Professional Career

  • I started Kingdom Coaching in September of 2017.

  • I am currently working with college coaches and athletes at all NCAA levels (D1, D2, D3), athletic directors at all levels, and leaders in the corporate setting.

  • I spent six years on staff at Stonegate Church where I oversaw leadership development and the group's ministry.

  • Prior to Stonegate Church, I coached college baseball for 11 years.

  • I played college baseball at Wichita State from 1993-1996. After my college career, I played three years in the minor leagues with the Miami Marlins.


  • I have been married to my wife Cherice for 25 years and have three kids, Trevor (23), Cooper (21), and Ellie (17).

Travis Wyckoff

Welcome to The Tribe, a community of coaches desiring to coach and lead in alignment with Kingdom principles… With Jesus leading the way.

“A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.” Billy Graham

When Jesus invites us to follow Him it is so much larger than just getting into heaven when we die. He is inviting us into a way of Kingdom living in the here and now. How does this play out in our leadership?

Many of us grapple with the challenge of achieving high-level leadership in a manner that aligns with Kingdom principles under the rule and reign of Jesus. The Tribe offers a place where you can explore, navigate, and grow these aspects within your own life.

Our mission is to empower every member of our tribe to elevate their leadership of programs and athletes in a Kingdom-centric manner, surrendered to Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Additionally, we aim to help individuals tap into their leadership fingerprint ultimately unlocking the full potential of those they lead.

What you can expect each month:

  1. Two Live Zoom Discussions: Immerse yourself in interactive and insightful live discussions via Zoom. These sessions will explore cutting-edge leadership concepts, exchange experiences, and foster personal growth.

  2. A Tribe of Like-Minded Coaches: Surround yourself with a dynamic tribe of like-minded individuals who are passionate about personal and professional development. The shared experiences and camaraderie within the tribe will ignite inspiration and drive positive change.