Self-awareness course


Do you want to become deeply confident? One who is totally comfortable in their own skin? And knows exactly who you are as a person and/or a leader?

If so, keep reading!

Research has shown that on average only 10-15% of leaders are self-aware.

A lack of self-awareness can be and often is a problem for all of us…whether you are a leader or not.

The absence of self-awareness can lead to a cascade of challenges:

  • Struggling with a lack of confidence

  • Battling inner insecurities

  • Inability to regulate your emotions

  • Resistant to feedback

  • Inconsistent behaviors and moods

  • Struggle to put up and keep boundaries

  • Feeling disconnected from your authentic self

  • Overcompensating and trying too hard

  • Coming across as needy

  • Remaining oblivious to how others perceive you

  • Running in the wrong lane/not sure of leadership fingerprint

  • Inability to develop others in self-awareness and emotional intelligence

Self-awareness is uncommon because it demands unflinching honesty with oneself.

As I work with leaders, I find more and more our conversations revolve around self-awareness. 

Growing in self-awareness is the key to increasing your confidence and becoming comfortable in your own skin. It's the secret sauce that transforms you into a more effective leader, parent, friend, colleague, or any other role you fulfill.

There is not a part of your life that self-awareness does not touch.

This leads me to believe that embarking on the journey of self-awareness could be the most pivotal decision you make!

My #1 goal is to help leaders get precision-like clarity on who they are… which in turn, clarifies their leadership fingerprint. You can't lead others if you can't lead yourself...and you can't lead yourself if you don't know yourself. This is the root of leadership and the root is where the real work is done!

So whether you are a leader of 100’s or a leader of just yourself, this course could be the game changer that you have been waiting for!

“Participating in the Kingdom Coaching Self-Awareness Course was a beneficial experience for my individual growth, in addition to my development as a leader and college coach.  Travis created a collaborative environment where we explored topics that forced an introspective look at philosophy, communication style, behavioral systems and emotions that drive our WHY.  These lessons helped me create an internal understanding of how to bring out the BEST VERSION of myself on a daily basis… and in turn, the BEST VERSION of myself in serving the student-athletes I work with each day.” D1 Basketball Coach

There is no better time to start this journey!

In this comprehensive four-and-a-half-hour course, we will dive into key topics, including:

  1. Identity: Uncover the essence of who you truly are and gain clarity on who you are not.

  2. Gold: Discover your inherent strengths and understand why recognizing them is pivotal to your growth.

  3. Shadow: Explore the limitations and constraints that reside within us all and recognize their significance.

  4. Skill Stack: Identify your unique blend of skills, talents, and attributes that set you apart.

  5. Motives: Reflect on your deepest motivations and challenge yourself to be candid about your driving forces.

  6. Fear: Confront the fears that hold you back from living your life to the fullest and uncover their origins.

And that's just the beginning! Our course will offer much more valuable insight and exploration into the depths of self-awareness.

To get on the waiting list for our next Self-Awareness Course, click the button below!