Is less more?

Thinking out loud...

Young people are feeling more and more overwhelmed. Whether we as adults think they should be overwhelmed is beside the point...they feel doesn't matter what we think.

After having three conversations in the last week and a half with elite, talented coaches, around the topic of how much is too much, I am asking the question "Is less more?"

Is less more regarding 

- practice
- a coach's non-negotiables
- scouting report meetings
- post game meetings
- etc. 

I don't think there is a one size fits all answer. I do think it would be wise for each coach to analyze what they are doing and ask, "Do things need to be cut out or pared back?"

One coach, who has won a national championship and has been unbelievably consistent shared that he has pulled back on practice hours, allowed his athletes more and more freedom during competition, stopped harping on them at every turn, and over all has just been more openhanded. 

Is this causation or correlation? In other words, did he win which caused him to relax and use the 'less is more' philosophy or did being more open handed and 'less is more' actually cause him to win more. He would say they are having their best year because of his open handed, less is more philosophy. 

I, nor anyone else, has the answer for you. I do think it would be beneficial for an honest look at your program and if there are things that you are doing that might not be helping. 

Sometimes less is actually more!

Side note: Knowing who you are is so critical. It is tempting to hear about coaches who are subscribing to less is more and implementing this in their program. And yet if YOU did this, it might not be good for your program. Maybe 'more is best' for your program at this current time. Learn from others but evaluate and make decisions that fit you and your program.

CLICK here to order my book The Leadership Greenhouse


One of my weekly disciplines is scouring the internet for articles/tweets I can learn from and/or use with those I work with. Below are two that I hope help encourage and equip you.

Article 1- THIS IS A MUST READ/WATCH. This email and video break down communication of an NFL coach...really really good stuff!

Article 2- Leadership lessons from a Silicon Valley giant

Podcast: Sam Erger. Volleyball Coach- SMU. Great young leader and coach!

Three Ways I Can Help:

1 on 1's - A powerful solution to combat the isolation and loneliness that often accompanies leadership. Leading with excellence can be an uphill battle, but you don't have to face it alone. My 1-on-1 coaching is designed to be your trusted thought partner, offering thought-provoking, perspective-enhancing questions that ignite fresh insights and clarity. Together, we will delve into the depths of your leadership role, helping you gain a profound understanding of yourself and your program. Our personalized approach ensures that each session is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Here is a testimony from a 1 on 1 client: "Travis has helped me become a better leader. Travis has helped me organize my thoughts and has given me so much clarity on how to lead on a day to day basis. There is no doubt that he is the biggest asset to my leadership and has reenergized my coaching style." Jeff Duncan, Head Baseball Coach, Kent State

Training Day - During this transformative experience, I will guide you through the essential principles that lay the foundation for an elite environment in your program. Our approach is entirely interactive, ensuring an engaging and dynamic learning journey for all participants.

The Tribe - What are your pain points? What do you need to do to become a better leader? To create a better environment? Join a group of like-minded coaches who get together (via Zoom) every 2nd and 4th Monday to discuss and work through principles and frameworks to help you become a better leader.


What are you avoiding?


The difference between your future self being average or elite comes down to one thing